Filtration Systems

First flush systems:

Debris, dirt, dust and droppings will collect on the roof of a building or other collection area. When the first rains arrive, this unwanted matter will be washed into the tank. This will cause contamination of the water and the quality will be reduced. Many Rainwater Harvesting systems therefore incorporate a system for diverting this ‘first flush’ water so that it does not enter the tank.


Primary filtration:
Primary filtration semi-fine) is used to remove the bigger debris that would otherwise quickly clog the second level (very fine) filter. The primary filter will remove debris larger than 80 microns wide (0.08mm wide). This will remove most bits & pieces and large sand granules, seeds, etc. Also this primary filter has a filter canister (disc set) that can be cleaned and re-used for years.


Secondary filtration: (Dependant of use of water)
Secondary filtration is used for the water we plan to sterilize, because the sterilization process using ultra-violet light rays is a contact-only form of killing; there is no residual effect so we must ensure all germs etc are fully visible (not able to hide behind or inside particles) when they enter the UV sterilizer’s chamber. Therefore to maintain optimal kill rates within the UV sterilizer, we pre-filter the water down to 5 microns, which is 0.005mm. This is small enough to remove almost all particles, plus large organisms such as algae, most fungal spores, etc.
Ultra-Violet (UV) Sterilizing: (Dependent on use of water)
This process uses ultra-violet light rays at very high levels, inside a special tube, to bombard the water as it passes through. UV light will destroy most forms of life at this level, including protozoa, bacterial coliforms (including Giardia, E. coli, Salmonella & Legionella), and will also destroy viruses. It does this indirectly by damaging the DNA strands within the bugs, which prevents the bugs from multiplying.
Good sterilizing is mainly dependent on the quality of the water, and the speed at which the water passes through the UV machine.


Water Meter.
We can also supply a water meter, which can be used to read how much water the enterprise is using. This can provides god data on water usage and how water can be conserved going forward


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